Answers to our most
frequently asked questions

  • Are there any upfront fees? Do we need to pay for costs associated with visas, accommodation and travel?

    No. All visa, travel, accommodation costs and associated overheads are factored into the hourly charge rate. The charges for the placement are based on hours worked across the contract duration, with timesheets submitted fortnightly.

  • If we’re not happy with a carer, can we end their placement?

    Yes. All of our placements come with a 100% guarantee, and we do everything we can to ensure that the match is right from the outset. However, if for any reason a worker is not a good fit, we ask that you provide us with two months’ notice prior to terminating a carer’s placement. In that time, we will work closely with you to find a replacement at no extra charge. Note: in the unlikely event that one of our carers acts in a way that constitutes serious misconduct, the placement and contract can be terminated immediately.

  • Will the workers have the necessary qualifications to work in the semi-skilled roles?

    Some workers will have a Certificate III in Individual Support/Aged Care from the Australian Pacific Training Coalition (APTC), which is an Australian Government training facility located in Suva, Fiji. Unfortunately, the number of students graduating each year with this qualification is low and the competition for these graduates is fierce. There are, however, many other graduates and workers who have education and experience in similar health and social science related fields, hospitality and other courses, and who are considering a career in an Australian Health and Aged Care industry. Funding is available through the Australian Government to upskill these workers in Australia, on the job, and we encourage our clients to provide education opportunities to the PALM Scheme workers.

  • If my PALM Scheme carers have completed on the job training through our organisation, can they be promoted?

    Yes. Unlike other visa programs, the PALM Scheme allows workers to be promoted into higher roles (within the ANZSCO 3-5 levels). Clear links have been established between professional development, provider compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards and the delivery of high quality care. We encourage our clients to reward and empower the workers for their hard work and commitment to learn, which is critical to maintaining and strengthening their workforce.

  • How long will it take to get my workers in Australia and commencing work?

    Each client and their needs vary – e.g., worker numbers, worker qualifications and experience, source country, location in Australia, and therefore there are no specific or guaranteed timeframes. We suggest allowing between three and five months from signing of the contract with Health+ People to workers arriving in Australia.

  • Can we employ the carer directly at the end of the four-year contract?

    Not at this stage. Under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme, the carer must return home at the end of the four-year contract for a period of 12 months before they are eligible to return to Australia under another PALM visa. However, the Australian Government is currently exploring permanent residence pathway options for PALM visa holders, and announcements are expected in early 2023.